A Hoodlum Throws A Stone Vertically

As a hoodlum throws a stone vertically, the narrative unfolds in a compelling and distinctive manner, drawing readers into a story that promises to be both engaging and uniquely memorable. This exploration delves into the physics that governs the stone’s trajectory, examining its initial velocity, the impact of gravity, and the resulting parabolic path.

The journey continues with an analysis of the stone’s maximum height, exploring the concept and formula for calculating it. The discussion also considers the factors that influence this height. The time of flight, another crucial aspect, is examined, along with its formula and the factors that affect it.


In the realm of urban mischief, a hoodlum’s mischievous act of hurling a stone vertically upward is a common sight. This seemingly innocuous action sets in motion a fascinating interplay of physical forces that governs the stone’s trajectory and ultimate fate.

The physics governing this act is rooted in Newton’s laws of motion and the principles of kinematics. As the hoodlum releases the stone, it embarks on an upward journey, propelled by the initial force imparted by their arm. However, the stone’s ascent is met with the relentless force of gravity, which exerts a downward pull on its mass.

Velocity and Acceleration

The stone’s initial velocity is determined by the hoodlum’s arm strength and the angle of release. As it ascends, its velocity decreases due to the opposing force of gravity, which acts as a constant deceleration of approximately 9.8 meters per second squared.

Maximum Height

The stone continues to ascend until it reaches its maximum height, the point at which its upward velocity becomes zero. At this apex, the stone momentarily pauses before gravity takes over, causing it to descend.

Time of Flight

The time of flight for the stone, the duration between its release and landing, is influenced by both its initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity. The time taken for the stone to ascend to its maximum height is equal to the time it takes to descend from that point.

Trajectory of the Stone

When the hoodlum throws the stone vertically upward, it has an initial velocity that is directed upward. The stone’s initial velocity determines the maximum height it will reach.

As the stone rises, the force of gravity acts on it, pulling it downward. This causes the stone’s velocity to decrease until it reaches its maximum height. At the maximum height, the stone’s velocity is zero.

After reaching its maximum height, the stone begins to fall back to the ground. As it falls, the force of gravity continues to act on it, causing its velocity to increase.

The stone’s trajectory is a parabola. A parabola is a curve that is formed by the intersection of a plane with a cone. The shape of the parabola is determined by the stone’s initial velocity and the force of gravity.

Effect of Gravity on the Stone’s Trajectory

The force of gravity is what causes the stone to fall back to the ground. The greater the force of gravity, the faster the stone will fall.

The force of gravity is also what causes the stone’s trajectory to be a parabola. The shape of the parabola is determined by the strength of the force of gravity.

Parabolic Path of the Stone

The stone’s parabolic path is a result of the combined effects of its initial velocity and the force of gravity.

The stone’s initial velocity determines the maximum height it will reach. The force of gravity determines the shape of the parabola.

Height Reached by the Stone: A Hoodlum Throws A Stone Vertically

The maximum height reached by the stone is the highest point it reaches during its upward trajectory. It is also known as the apex of the trajectory.

The formula for calculating the maximum height reached by the stone is:

h = (v^2

  • sin^2(theta)) / (2
  • g)


  • h is the maximum height reached by the stone (in meters)
  • v is the initial velocity of the stone (in meters per second)
  • theta is the angle of projection (in degrees)
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity (in meters per second squared)

The maximum height reached by the stone is affected by the following factors:

  • Initial velocity: The higher the initial velocity, the higher the maximum height reached.
  • Angle of projection: The angle of projection affects the vertical component of the initial velocity. The maximum height is reached when the angle of projection is 45 degrees.
  • Acceleration due to gravity: The acceleration due to gravity is a constant that affects the downward acceleration of the stone. The greater the acceleration due to gravity, the lower the maximum height reached.

Time of Flight

The time of flight of a projectile is the total amount of time it spends in the air, from the moment it is launched until the moment it lands. For a stone thrown vertically, the time of flight is determined by its initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity.

The formula for calculating the time of flight of a stone thrown vertically is:

$t = 2v_i / g$


  • $t$ is the time of flight (in seconds)
  • $v_i$ is the initial velocity of the stone (in meters per second)
  • $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity (in meters per second squared)

The factors that affect the time of flight of a stone thrown vertically are:

  • Initial velocity:The greater the initial velocity, the longer the time of flight.
  • Acceleration due to gravity:The greater the acceleration due to gravity, the shorter the time of flight.

Velocity of the Stone

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of an object’s position over time. It has both magnitude and direction.

The velocity of the stone at any given time can be calculated using the following formula:

v = u + at


  • v is the final velocity (m/s)
  • u is the initial velocity (m/s)
  • a is the acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)
  • t is the time (s)

As the stone rises, its velocity decreases due to the force of gravity acting against its upward motion. At the highest point of its trajectory, the stone’s velocity is zero. As the stone falls, its velocity increases again due to the force of gravity acting in the same direction as its downward motion.

Impact of the Stone

When the stone hits the ground, it experiences a sudden stop. This sudden stop causes a force to be exerted on the stone, which is known as the impact force. The impact force is equal to the change in momentum of the stone divided by the time of impact.

The time of impact is typically very short, so the impact force can be very large.

Forces Involved

The impact force is made up of several different forces, including the force of gravity, the force of friction, and the force of restitution. The force of gravity is the force that pulls the stone down towards the ground. The force of friction is the force that opposes the motion of the stone as it slides across the ground.

The force of restitution is the force that causes the stone to bounce back up after it hits the ground.

Potential Damage

The impact force can cause damage to the stone, the ground, and any objects that the stone hits. The amount of damage caused depends on the size, shape, and velocity of the stone. A large, heavy stone traveling at a high velocity can cause significant damage.

For example, a stone thrown from a tall building could break a window or even kill someone.

Safety Considerations

Stone throwing can be a fun and engaging activity, but it’s crucial to prioritize safety to prevent any potential harm or accidents. Understanding the hazards and risks associated with stone throwing is essential for responsible participation in this activity.

Stone throwing poses several potential hazards and risks, including:

  • Injury to self or others:Stones can travel at high speeds and have the potential to cause significant injuries if they hit someone. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and ensure that no one is in the path of your throw.
  • Damage to property:Stones can damage windows, cars, and other objects. It’s important to be mindful of your surroundings and avoid throwing stones near valuable or fragile objects.
  • Legal consequences:Stone throwing is illegal in many areas. It’s important to be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding stone throwing to avoid any legal repercussions.

Guidelines for Safe Stone Throwing Practices, A hoodlum throws a stone vertically

To ensure safety when throwing stones, it’s important to follow these guidelines:

  • Choose a safe location:Find an open area with no people or objects nearby that could be damaged.
  • Use appropriate stones:Select stones that are smooth and round, avoiding sharp or jagged stones that could cause injury.
  • Control your strength:Don’t throw stones with excessive force. Aim for a gentle toss that allows you to maintain control.
  • Be aware of your surroundings:Pay attention to the people and objects around you to avoid any potential hazards.
  • Supervise children:If children are participating in stone throwing, ensure they are adequately supervised and follow safety guidelines.

By adhering to these safety considerations and guidelines, you can enjoy the activity of stone throwing responsibly and minimize the risks of injury or damage.


What factors affect the maximum height reached by the stone?

The maximum height is influenced by the initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity.

How does the time of flight change with the initial velocity?

The time of flight increases with the initial velocity.